Side table made from fallen tree trunk by John Wayne Hill of DeathGhost Studios

Tree Trunk Side Table

by John Wayne Hill

Side Tables

These tables was made from a locally-sourced fallen tree. The wood was dried, flattened, and shaped. One trunk slice was unstable due to a large crack, which was filled with epoxy resin for stablization. Each table was finsished with Odie's Oil, a natural and food safe wax finish. Modern hairpin legs were attached, finsihing up the table build. The natural wood shines, feels great, and looks amazing!

Tree trunk side table
Tree trunk side table
Tree trunk side table
Tree trunk side table
Tree trunk side table
Tree trunk side table
Tree trunk side table
Tree trunk side table
Customer Reviews

What People Are Saying

“Beautiful piece made for a wedding gift. This piece will last a lifetime. I recommend this company for your wood working wants or needs.”

Amber Hill

“Noted for thier Professionalism, Punctuality, Quality, Responsiveness, and Value. I highly recommend DeathGhost Woodworking!”

Jennie Miller

“In 1954, Grandma moved into her new suburban ranch home. She planted a red cedar in the front yard. Until recently, it was one of the many stately trees that graced the neighborhood. It sent a root under the neighbor's parking pad which cracked the cement. The workers damaged the root which destabilized the cedar, and we had to cut it down. I asked the tree cutters to save me three pieces from the trunk that I would later make into tables. After a couple years of procrastination, they weathered in the backyard. At that point I gave up the idea of making the tables myself, and I brought all the pieces to John Wayne at DeathGhost to see what might be done. John Wayne worked several weeks and created three beautiful tables, now cherished by her grandchildren.”

Ed Allen